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  • 국내학술논문지
  • 국외학술논문지
작성일 : 14-09-21 15:17
연구단계 1단계 :1년차
논문제목(영문) Determinants of suicidal ideation in patients with breast cancer.
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI
연구책임자역활 주저자 논문기여율 30%
주저자명 Kim JM
교신저자명 Yoon JS
공동저자명 Jang JE, Stewart R, Kim SY, Kim SW, Kang HJ, Shin IS, Park MH, Yoon JH
게제년월일 2013-12-31
ISSN 1057-9249
Impact Factor 4.044
학술지명 Psychooncology
서지사항 0집 / 22권 / 12호,   페이지(2848 - 2856)
병기표기 단독

※ Acknowledgement가 기재된 논문만 연구과제의 성과로 인정.
- 국문 표기 : "본 연구는 보건복지부 보건의료연구개발사업의 지원에 의하여 이루어진 것임. (HI13C1527)"
- 영문 표기 : "This study was supported by a grant of the Korean Health Technology R&D Project,
(HI13C1527) Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea. "
(Abstract) 입력
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer survivors are at higher risk of psychological problems including suicidal ideation. However, studies on suicidal ideation in breast cancer survivors have been rare and have not been investigated prospectively. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and independent risk factors for suicidal ideation within 1 week and at 1 year after breast surgery for breast cancer.

METHODS: A total of 284 patients with breast cancer were evaluated within 1 week after breast surgery, and 244 (84%) were followed up 1 year later. Suicidal ideation was ascertained using the item 'suicidal thoughts' from the Beck Depression Inventory. Various factors potentially related to suicidal ideation were evaluated including sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and genetic polymorphisms on serotonin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) systems.

RESULTS: Suicidal ideation was present in 10.9% of participants at 1 week and 11.4% at 1 year after breast surgery. Suicidal ideation was independently associated with depression and physical disability at 1 week and with living alone, anxiety, advanced cancer stage, and the BDNF met allele (but not with genetic polymorphisms on serotonergic system) at 1 year after breast surgery.

CONCLUSIONS: Suicidal ideation was common and had similar prevalences in both short-term and longer-term follow-ups after breast cancer. However, associated factors were substantially different between the two evaluation points, which suggest that time-specific programs may be needed for identifying and managing suicidal risk in patients with breast cancer.