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  • 국내학술논문지
  • 국외학술논문지
작성일 : 14-09-21 15:00
연구단계 1단계 :1년차
논문제목(영문) Fused 99mTc-HDP SPECT/MR imaging of reverse Hill-Sachs deformity.
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI
연구책임자역활 교신저자 논문기여율 30%
주저자명 Oh JR
교신저자명 Song HC
공동저자명 Park JG, Kim MS
게제년월일 2014-01-02
ISSN 0363-9762
Impact Factor 2.857
학술지명 Clin Nucl Med
서지사항 0집 / 39권 / 1호,   페이지(e99 - 100)
병기표기 단독

※ Acknowledgement가 기재된 논문만 연구과제의 성과로 인정.
- 국문 표기 : "본 연구는 보건복지부 보건의료연구개발사업의 지원에 의하여 이루어진 것임. (HI13C1527)"
- 영문 표기 : "This study was supported by a grant of the Korean Health Technology R&D Project,
(HI13C1527) Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea. "
(Abstract) 입력
Reverse Hill-Sachs deformity is a term for a linear impression fracture of the anteromedial humeral head caused by a posterior shoulder dislocation, which is an extremely rare subtype of shoulder dislocations and caused by an epileptic seizure, an electric shock or trauma. Herein, we illustrate the findings of bone pinhole study, MRI and fused SPECT/MR imaging of reverse Hill-Sachs deformity caused by posterior shoulder dislocation after motor cycle accident in a 41-year-old man.